23 de setembre del 2010

Hoplites grecs

Hola a tothom,

Aprofitant unes figures de Zvezda que tenia per casa, he començat un exèrcit de grecs clàssics per a Impetus.

Podeu trobar les regles bàsiques per a jugar a Impetus aquí (en diversos idiomes).

Hola a todo el mundo,
Aprovechando unas figuras de Zvezda que tenía por casa, he empezado un ejército de griegos clásicos para Ímpetus.
Podéis encontrar las reglas básicas para jugar a Impetus aquí (en varios idiomas).

Hi everyone,
Using some Zvezda miniatures that I had at home, I have started an army of classical Greeks for Impetus. 
You can find the Impetus basic rules here (in several languages).

2 comentaris:

  1. I like your hoplites very much. Especially their armour and weapons. These metallics are great. Superb painting-job, congratulations!

  2. Thank you Yori,

    It isn't a difficult painting job: paint them with chosen colours, wash the miniatures with Games Workshop Devlan Mud (don't forget to take away the excess), and highlight up the areas that need it with the same colours.
